Thursday, 10 November 2011

Reflective Summary

Initially I wanted to create something physical as this project enables me to explore different processes and materials that I would not normally investigate in illustration related projects. Therefore I wanted to challenge my self to create something completely different. My idea is influenced by the characteristics of post-modernism; in particular the idea of re-materializing already existing art or objects. I have carried out lots of in-depth research into process, artists and as a result I plan to create a series of contemporary accessories, which have been reborn from existing material. I have discovered that social network sites have become a key element of business to promote there products and therefore I aim to create a blog on which to display these accessories.

During this project I shall learn about different procedures of making accessories and will learn by trail and error in discovering the processes. Hopefully I shall develop new skills that could possibly influence future work.

This project is a challenge and I am very interested in making slick contemporary designs out of old material, I am very engaged in this project and will continue to research designers and experiment with my own designs.

Peer Review Summary

I found our group discussion very helpful I received specific feedback into what elements of the project need more attention and which areas worked effectively. The group responded well to my idea and thought it was a successful link to the brief; we also discussed further ideas such as creating packaging. Personally I think discussing our ideas in a group enabled us to influence each other and give particular suggestions to add to each project. Overall I think this discussion was a great Success. 

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